Frequently asked questions

Note: Please click on the questions to see the answer!


Yes, most of our gels have sample size and you can buy them the same way as the other products.
Every month we have a very favourable special offer for all our customers and partners. Follow us for more details.
We can only deliver those products that are available. You can see the availability at every product and category page.
You can order in our webshop from anywhere at any time.
Contact us as soon as possible at [email protected] e-mail address. If your parcel is not dispatched yet, we can still modify it.
For the security of your order and your personal details you can only place an order in the webshop.
In case the product is unused and not damaged we can buy it back as it is described in the GTC.
We are happy if you share your experience. In the webshop you can post your review at every product. Assuming that you have any question, please contact us at [email protected] e-mail address.
There is no price limit for orders.
We are going to send a message to the e-mail address you provided for your order / registration.
Yes, feel free to add it to your order and we will deliver it for you.
Our products represent professional quality, in the last 10 years we are distributing in more than 25 countries with a great success.

Payment / Delivery

You can choose between Bank transfer and PayPal.
We have a very favourable rate all round the world. For details please visit Delivery and Payment Information site.
That is mainly depending on your country of residence. Usually it takes 1-7 working days.
Anybody on your shipping address can take your package.
The curier usually tries to deliver 2 times. If you missed the first he will leave you a note. You will be able to call the courier and fix the next delivery time.
Please contact the curier on the phone number you receive in text message.
You can add any addresses for delivery and invoicing if you are a registered client. You can do it while placing your order or in your profile settings.
It is very important for us to make sure you will receive all the products packed safely and without any mistakes to ensure immaculate delivery. Mystic Nails Hungary pays a lot attention on our customers’ satisfaction therefore we check every single order more times before sending out to you. Assuming that something is damaged, please contact us immediately after delivery at [email protected]