
Mystic Nails - the recognized brand

Since our founding in 2007, we have made it a priority to represent excellence in quality, environmental protection and employer excellence among nail brands in both the international and domestic markets. On the international stage, we can do this through our distributors in over 25 countries, and this kind of business attitude does not go without repercussions at home.
We are very proud that Mystic Nails Hungary is the most awarded Hungarian artificial nail brand, having received numerous awards and distinctions.
Our awards so far:
  • In 2017, Mystic Nails was awarded the title of Most Creative Responsible Employer of the Year. Judged by an independent professional jury, we support employee wellbeing through creative tools and programmes that are unprecedented and unprecedented in business and employer practice today, and completely unique among SMEs.
  • In 2018, the top step of the podium was Responsible Employer of the Year - Gold Certification. The OFA Responsible Employer of the Year Award is a highly prestigious professional recognition and a welcome feedback that we are a workplace where the employee is truly the greatest asset. 
  • In 2018, we were awarded the elite business club: the Business Ethics Award.  This award is a recognition of companies that are able and willing to sacrifice their own profit interests in order to serve higher social and environmental values, setting an example of responsible and ethical business conduct.
  • In 2018, Mystic Nails was the first and only nail brand to receive the MagyarBrands Excellent Business Brand Award in Hungary. Since then, we have repeated this feat every year, so we can proudly say that Mystic Nails is a six-time MagyarBrands brand!
  • In 2019, Mystic Nails Hungary was awarded the title of the Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year. According to the founders, the Széchenyi Enterprise of the Year Award is an award that represents outstanding social and professional recognition for the winner. The award focuses on three areas of business performance: productivity, social responsibility and innovation.
  • In 2019, the VOSZ (National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers) awarded Mystic Nails, Jr. László Gyimesi, CEO of Mystic Nails Hungary, was awarded the Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
  • In 2019, we won the Value and Quality Grand Prize (former Hungarian Product Grand Prize) as the only artificial nail brand in Hungary with its "As you wish" gel polish collection.
  • 2020 Award for Trade: Every year, the Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry presents the Award for Trade to a county entrepreneur, chosen and voted for by the Chamber's Trade Section. In 2020, this honour was bestowed on the CEO of Mystic Nails Hungary, Mr. László Gyimesi, Jr.
  • In September 2021, Mystic Nails Hungary was awarded the K&H Award for Excellence in the category of social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
  • In 2023, we were again awarded the Family Friendly Workplace certificate by the Ministry of Human Resources in a competition. The Family Friendly Workplaces label is awarded to workplaces or service providers that promote family roles by taking into account the mutual interests of employer and employee.
  • For the sixth time in 2023, Mystic Nails Hungarywas among the winners of the HungarianBrands Excellent Business Brand Award, while the brand doubled in the Excellent Consumer Brand category. This year, we firstly got the Excellent Employer Brand Award. The awards are judged by the Professional Committee on important criteria such as employer branding, workplace attractiveness and employee satisfaction.